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Your Time to Save a Life

The Split Second Film Competition is back bigger than ever.

The Victorian Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has launched its fourth annual Split Second Film Competition offering young Victorians the chance to channel their inner Spielberg and drive change through film.

Developed by the TAC in collaboration with Village Cinemas, Split Second aims to change the way young Victorians think about road safety, with this cohort some of the state’s most vulnerable road users.

So how can you get involved?

Young Victorian’s aged 18-25 are being asked to develop a 45-second film idea that addresses low-level speeding or drink driving. There’s no need to make the film, just come up with an idea that meets one of this year’s briefs. Reckon you’ve got a winning ‘drink driving’ message? Is low-level speeding getting the creative juices flowing? Why not submit an idea for each brief? There’s no limit to the number of times you can enter.

If you’ve been thinking of stretching your creativity into film, this could be your opportunity to build your skills and possible launch a career.

This year’s winner will be awarded $5,000 in prize money and a $70,000 production budget to make their film and have it screened across Victoria at Village Cinemas.

Last year saw aspiring filmmaker and comedian Alex Lowes’ short-film concept come to life. The fantasy-themed film, A Trial Before the King, was picked as the winning script from close to 500 entrants.

(Above) Last years winning film.

The film tells the story of a young peasant in her early 20s, accused of riding her horse into a market stall. Facing a tribunal, a King finds her guilty of putting quill to parchment while commanding her horse.

So, have you got a winning road safety message?

The competition is open to Victorians aged 18-25 and entries are open until August 9th.

To get involved visit

Good luck!


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