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Your Art Space

by Peta Tranquille

Every artist or maker dreams of having a dedicated space to create. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t lucky enough to have our own studio or room. Although this may be the case, there are other ways that you can create a space that feels like a personal space.


The first task is to find a place with lots of natural light and somewhere you feel comfortable. If you don’t have a space with natural light, then select a space close to a door to have easy access to the outside. If you require artificial light that looks more natural, check out this link for some ideas. When choosing where to locate your lighting always think about which hand you use and where the shadows will fall.


Whether your selected space is temporary or permanent, you can still decorate it or fill it with some of your favourite things for inspiration. This could be a painting, photo, candle, vase of flowers, model car or even an Astroboy figurine. It is entirely up to you to choose what items inspire you and what makes your space unique to you. A happy and comfortable space is what you are trying to achieve. If you have difficulty deciding which area is most suitable, make a cup of coffee or tea and sit in a few different places taking note of how you feel in each. You can even try sitting facing different directions as surprisingly, this can make a difference.


Storage is vital when it comes to your arty space. Whether it be a portable trolley, shelves, drawers, or permanent storage, there are a few things to consider. If your area is temporary and you must pack up after your creativity time, ensure your storage is easy to access and has a place. One of the benefits of having limited storage is that you won’t buy an overload of materials. Most artists and makers are guilty of buying too many materials and then having to store them.


Whether you are lucky enough to have a dedicated studio or not, it is helpful to have a small space that it is clear of clutter. That way if you use a desktop computer or laptop, this space will always be clear and you can avoid having to tidy up when you need to do all the boring admin. Good time management gives you more time to create. Nobody wants to be unnecessarily cleaning or tidying just to go online or respond to an email.


Hopefully this blog will help you find or adjust your space and keep in mind that it’s not only the space that is important. So no matter where you make, create, paint, draw, process or plan, the most important part of the creation formula is YOU.


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Unknown member
May 10, 2022

It was good to read this blog about our Art Space. It sounds great but I am afraid the reality is often far from this. I think many of us have a space that is dedicated to our art but is also part of the hustle and bustle of family life. Thank you for your words of wisdom. Marion

May 27, 2022
Replying to

Absolutely. This is exactly why having a little something to make any area special is so important. Even if it is your dining table you can still have something in the centre of the table that inspires you. Regards, Peta

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