In 2019, MAVA Inc. set a mission to connect with Melbourne and Victorian Artists to increase productivity, confidence, knowledge and motivation. This includes not expecting our members to be exclusive but instead providing them with the opportunity to be part of a larger network while still being a part of art groups within their local community.
By inviting art society's, collectives and organisations to connect with us, we are hoping to initiate more growth and to further strengthen the art community in Victoria. This blog is in response to an invitation to Kathy Best, a member of MAVA Inc. and the Box Hill Art Group. It gives us an insight into her experiences with the Box Hill Art Group and what they provide.
Kathy writes:
I have been a member of the Box Hill Art Group since I began painting in around 2008.
At first, I attended regularly on Wednesday nights, where a group of us learnt to paint from many different tutors. After a few years, I began to paint more and attended additional classes with the group. I also began attending the weekly untutored workshop where the group chat and paint together. I now spend a full day once per week at Box Hill, attending a tutored class in the morning and the untutored group in the afternoon. Not my favourite thing to do, but I attend the monthly Sunday morning sketch outs and monthly life drawing because I figure these disciplines are good for me.
At the end of 2013, I joined the Art Group committee, where I designed and now maintain the website, organise the mailouts, set up the group on the social networking platform Meetup and organise the online booking system. These tasks test my creativity in a different way.
Being a member of Box Hill Art Group means that I get to spend time creating with like-minded people.

Box Hill Art Group celebrated their 70th anniversary in 2022.
The group was founded in 1952 by artist and teacher Professor Theo Scarff and has steadily grown. They have been based at Box Hill Community Arts Centre since it was established around 30 years ago.
The group is a magnet for painters who like to interact with like-minded people. Most of the classes are conducted in a coaching format, and they tend to be very friendly places to paint, draw and talk about art and life in general. You can book for the term or attend on a casual basis.

The group also runs a number of other regular activities, including life drawing, untutored studio space, workshops, exhibitions and Plein air sketching days.
As part of its' 70th commemoration, a time capsule containing past and current members' 9x5 inch paintings and messages has been installed in the gardens at BHCAC (Box Hill Community Art Centre) to be opened on the 100th anniversary in 2052.

Be sure to visit to join the group or find out more. New classes start soon. Hit the subscribe button to receive their mailouts.