Sara Valentino


I have been an arts educator for nearly 40 years. My love of printmaking started during my degree course and was nourished over the following years through my engagement with many artists, many of whom ran workshops for my visual arts classes. I always include a printmaking unit in the courses I teach. Most of my works are based on the people and places around me or that I have visited. I use drawings as well as photographs, which are manipulated in photoshop to reduce their tones and lines for the linocut process I like to use. I have used reduction as well as multiblock methods to create my final works. I love the linear, almost graphic style of Lino printing printing and it’s fair to say that my ‘signature style’ is the addition of a ‘pop’ of colour in a work to make sure that icon or landmark is instantly recognisable. I love the process of linocut printing: carving the block is cathartic and revealing the print is exciting!