Maureen Venville

I have always worked with my hands, from my first job in the printing industry, through to attending art school and my interest in painting and sculpture and then later in the allied health field as a Remedial Massage Therapist. Studying life drawing and the anatomy of the human body was a natural transition into the anatomy and physiology of massage.
In the ten years since retirement, many surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I have been studying meditation and positive thinking whilst continuing to paint as many hours I can. I am happy to say I am now cancer free. Cancer is such a devastating disease to have but it taught me a lot that I probably wouldn't have learnt other wise.
Witherspoon the combination of meditation, positive thinking and art I have been able to find my real self (soul) and find so much joy in life and work. I appreciate life much more now and I am grateful for ever day.